I am a young army wife. Now when I saw young I'm not talking about my age. I'm sitting on the edge of thirty. I'm not old by means 30 isn't old, but I'm not young anymore either. However my marriage is young. It's only a been a year. But it's been an adventure.
Being a army wife is different for being a normal wife. Now I'm an army band wife which is a little different. We have a different a row to hoe. We have army in the mix, but we also have band stuff in the mix too. Not every band unit is deployable. So we don't always have that dark cloud looming over us. We haven't gone through a deployment so I can't tell you what that's like. I don't envy those families. In fact my heart goes out those families, I pray for you everyday and that our troops will be able to come home and stay for awhile. As a band wife though, I do sit at home by myself. My husband goes away for days. He's also a trumpet player which often means gigs can come up with very little warning. Whenever a solider dies, duty calls for my husband. We could on Monday make plans to go out for the weekend and by Wednesday they are out the window. We pack up and move. Every few years, it's time to change the place we live. We have to cut bargains too. Like you can only go there as family if you'll spend at least three years. It can be worth and exciting. There are many other things that make of us different. We have to learn who to work through things and do things by ourselves.
On the other hand, the army wives are like the other wives out there. Some of us work, others stay home. Some have kids in the mix, and other choice not to. Some of us go to church and other are clueless about God. We all cherish the moments we have and we make mistakes.
Now the point. My husband told me that he was proud of me and thankful that I'm willing to do things for others. There's another trumpet player in the band here, his married with children, they found the same church as us. I've watched their children a couple of times. On Tuesday night, Sarah wasn't feeling well. She called and asked if could come watch their kids so they could go to the hospital. I said yes, got off the phone and cooked my dinner and head over so I was about 15 early than asked and was willing to stay past midnight if that was need. I made James proud. I feel like I did what was need. We don't have children, it's just James and I. Well, and Martio, but she's low maintenance not like a kid. We lock in the kennel and go on our way. A kindergarten and 4th grader, you can't lock them in kennel. I watched them and put them bed. Stephen came back to the house and I went home. James said he was proud of me. I responded with no big deal, I was just doing what was asked. We don't have kids, and someday we will. I'm just doing what I hope someone else will be doing for me later. Any band wife that needs a sitter, I feel like I should be there. I don't think it would be different if the army was in the mix or not. If I were back home and got the call from someone else, I'm pretty sure I would jump and do the same thing.