First off, I don't mean to offend anyone. If you chose to do Lent, that's great. These are just my thoughts.
As far I've understand lent is the 40 days before Easter, and in the time period you are to give up something. You are to make a sacrifice to help understand the sacrifice that Christ made. So here are my two thoughts on this.
There is nothing you can sacrifice other than your own life that while even give a glimpse at what Christ did for you. Going without meat, or facebook, or candy, isn't going to give any idea what Christ endured. I am thankful that I don't need to understand it, I just have to accept it. I can't even began to think of what it is like to first be beaten near death, to carry a cross up long walk, and then to be nailed to that cross, and die without God. It's not something I'm going to understand this side of heaven, and I'm not even to attempt to think that giving up something insignificant for 40 days is going to help me understand. Now if you were doing as fast to draw closer to God that's different. If that's what your doing than you don't need to be telling anyone, or complaining that you aren't doing said insignificant thing, instead of complain you should be praising God. When someone is having a nice big steak for lunch in front you instead of thinking about how much this sucks, you should think how great is that Jesus was willing to give up his place in heaven so you could have a place.
God doesn't care about sacrifice, He cares about obedience. He wants to do the things that you are called to do. He wants you to follow His ways. He wants you to love the Lord your God with all your strength, heart, mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. He wants you and all of you. As I see it, all the sacrificing was done. Yes a sacrifice was needed, but we weren't accepted to do it, why because truly in order to pay for all the wrongs you did, you would have to never eat meat, or never go on facebook. I'm not saying God doesn't care or doesn't like it when we make sacrifices, I'm just saying or obedience is more important. He prefers it. It's the relationship that matters.
If I said anything that offended anyone, I'm sorry, but that's how I see it.