Saturday, November 22, 2014

Why I can't be a feminist.

Emma Waston recently spoke about starting a campaign called He for She. That ugly word feminist came back. I find that what is going on and being asked to be done isn't really right. I don't think people truly understand the meaning of equal. I feel that asking for equality is bad thing mainly because it won't take into account the difference between women and men. I am not the same as my husband, I am different and I want those difference to be acknowledged and looked at. I would rather have justice. Justice looks at those difference but still makes sure that I am treated fair based on those difference.

Now first I want it to be understand I don't think women are weaker, and should hide behind men. Neither gender is better. However we are not the same and anybody who thinks that we are the same and should be treated the same is just wrong. To prove these difference let's start with my favorite place to look for differences, the Bible. In Ephesians 5, it talks about how wives should respect their husbands and husband should love their wives. Does this mean that wives don't need to love their husbands or husband don't have to respect their wives?  No way. You don't have to tell someone to do what they naturally do. Women have an easier time loving and show love, they need to be reminded about showing respect. Men need to be reminded to show love. We aren't the same. Another place that shows our differences is in the army pt standards and weight standards. If we truly the same and equal wouldn't these standards be the same, they wouldn't need a male chart and female chart, they would just have one. Women are allowed to have more body fat than men, simply because we are different.

Equality isn't a bad things, and there are some areas where men and women should be treated equally. A man should not receive more simply for being a man. Now if the man is more qualified and doing a better job than yes pay him more, but if qualifications and job quality are the same the pay should be the same. Justice and equality are different things. Equal is the last thing I want.  I came across this picture a few years ago that explains why equality isn't always a good things and shows why most often it isn't what we really. When the feminist start asking for justice and they realize that men and women are not the same and that it is harmful to treat us them, I'll become a feminist. What makes me different is too special, too important, and too wonderful to sacrifice.

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