Sunday, January 23, 2011

There's a reason why it hurts

I AM the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit He cuts away; and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. You are cleansed and pruned already, because of the word which I have given you. Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me. John 15:1-4 (AMP)

It seems that most often when this passages is brought up, they talk about the bearing fruit. There's another aspect in these verses. It's pruning. God prunes us sometimes. But what is pruning? Pruning is something that is done to help make plants healthier, produce fruit and helps that plant grow in a controlled form. When a gardener prunes a plant he doesn't do it all they time. In the very beginning, there is no pruning done, to help the plant grow strong roots. It's done during seasons. Normally in a season when the plant isn't growing. In the beginning the pruning is done to help the plant grow fruit. If a vine has several branches it will have trouble producing good fruit, so it is trimmed down to only a few branches. After that it is pruned to maintain the good fruit.

God does the same thing to us. In the beginning He doesn't do any pruning, so that we can grow strong in His word. He wants you to have our roots firmly planted in Him. As we grow, that's when the pruning starts. First God starts pruning us so that we can be healthier in Him. We start to understand the need for changes in our life. We try and reflect God's character more and more. He then starts to produce so that we can bear fruit. We need to bear the fruit of the spirit. But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) After we start to bear these fruits God will prunes to keep our growth and fruit produce under control.

Pruning looks like different things. God will send us through trails and hard times to help us. God will allow the devil to tempt you in order to prune you. Pruning doesn't have a standard way of being done. Each person is different and God prunes according to how He wants to use you. Sometimes it hurts. Pruning can be very painful. One thing to bear in mind is that happen in seasons. You may feel awesome and like there is much growth going on. Your walk with God maybe amazing and you may be doing a lot. Then it changes. Life may get hard. Just remember maybe God is pruning for great and bigger things.

Some pruning is cutting things. There maybe habits that are unhealthy or produce bad fruit. In time, God will prune these away. You may have a person in your life that needs to be pruned. People that have negative effects in life need to be pruned away. I'm not saying avoid people. Sometimes spending time with Negative Nancy begins to rub off on you. Maybe spending time with these people one on one isn't a good idea. Sometimes even responsibilities need to be pruned. It's ok to say no. If you are doing something and it's taking away time from that something that is good in your life, like God, or your family. Do you really need to be doing it? Everybody has some kind of fluff that could be pruned away too.

Don't be scared of getting pruned. If you feel like God is pruning, think about what is being cut away and what fruit it might help you produce. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, they all help you reflect God, they all help you be more Christ like. Reflect on what's happening and try to gain some understanding of what God is doing. You don't enjoy fruit that is bad, bitter, and sour. Do you want to produce rotten, ugly, sour fruit or would you like to produce good, beautiful, sweet fruit? After God puts down the shears, He takes care of the plant giving it all the things a plant needs to grow.

Sure, it hurts, it's painful, but when something is being cut away doesn't it hurt? But in the end you'll be better.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Something that is impossible

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. Psalm 139:7-12 (NIV)

Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? to be out of your sight? Psalm 139:7 (MSG)

It just isn't possible to run away from God. There are times in your life that you may want to run away from Him, but you can't. He'll follow you and guide you and help you. He delights in watching over you.

Life may get hard. You get upset or disappointed, or even frustrated with life and God. You can't run from Him. Jonah ran from God. The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me." But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD. Jonah 1:1-3 (NIV) Jonah didn't like what God told him to do, so Jonah ran away from the Lord. It did him no good. God sent a storm. Jonah was thrown over board, eaten by fish. Only to end up on where God had told him to go.

It's doesn't matter what is going on in your life you can't run from God. I've tried it. I was frustrated with God, nothing seemed to be working out to me. I was very mad at God. So I packed my bags, I got on a plane and flew to Korea. Thinking the whole time I was running away from. I ran away from God so hard and so fast, that I ended up in His arm. Even though I thought I was running away, God was really guiding back to Him. In that time of running, I grew as a person, and in my relationship God by leaps and bounds. It's so amazing that even though I was trying to get away, God wouldn't let me.

That's the great thing about God. Once you have asked Him into life, He doesn't walk away. He doesn't leave you. He will guide you and be with until the end. If you have ran away and it feels like you are lost and He isn't there. It's ok. Start looking for Him, call out to Him. Jonah cried out God and God had the fish vomit. God will take you back. You mean the world to Him. He gave up his place in heaven so that you could have spot. He never took away even when you started. Just remember He'll guide you. He's already forgiven you for running away, just run back.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 done and over with.

For those of you who didn't get our Christmas letter here it is.

In January, James got to visit Michelle. While on that visit James and Michelle introduced each other to their families. James also proposed to Michelle on beach in California. Shortly after that James returned to Fort Rucker. Michelle stayed in Phoenix.
In February, James got promoted to the rank of Sergeant and because of this promotion was required to go to Warrior Leader Course or WLC at Fort Stewart, GA. He also reenlisted for six more years pushing his Estimated Time of Separation or ETS out to 2016. Michelle went on the Tapestry retreat to Prescott, AZ. Jill Rhodes was the speaker and Michelle was blessed by Jill speaking about God being our refuge.
In March, the lovely Mary Beth had her wedding to Ben. Michelle flew out to Fort Rucker just before the wedding. James and Michelle then drove up to Fort Belvoir, VA to attend it. James played for the entrance of the bride and the recessional. After returning from that, Michelle then made her way out to San Diego, CA and spent two weeks working Project Barnabas for Amor Ministries. One of the groups Michelle worked with was Yuba City which was the group James went with during high school.
In April and May, nothing exciting happened.
In June, Michelle flew out to Fort Rucker to visit James for his birthday and James got to show off his new Eclipse trumpet that he bought with part of his reenlistment bonus.
In July, Michelle, Kate, Kari, and Angela drove up to Marysville, while James flew into San Francisco. James and Michelle went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Michelle got swim with dolphins and James wished he had swum with the dolphins. James and Michelle had their wedding. Then James, Michelle, Kate, Kari, and Angela returned to Phoenix where they had a reception at Royal Palms Baptist Church for Michelle’s friends and family who couldn’t make it to the wedding. Michelle and James then drove to Fort Rucker across the south… the summer……without air conditioning.
In August, Michelle’s things from Phoenix arrived and she spent several days unpacking and wondering where a box was when all the stuff was here already. James and Michelle found a church home at a small church in Daleville, Daleville Baptist Church.
In September, Michelle needed a minor outpatient surgery, and everything went well. One of the other band wives started to teach a fitness class at church in Enterprise and needed someone to do childcare. She asked Michelle and that started a job for Michelle. It has grown into a three day week for a couple of hours, and every now again it adds another day.
In October, James got word of getting orders for Alaska. Michelle looked into becoming certified in AK. She signed up to take the Praxis I all three reading, writing and math. However, she only passed the math. James and Michelle helped out at 5th quarter, which is a ministry of DBC. It gives the students of Daleville grades 7 thru 12 somewhere to go after the football games. This opened the door to them helping out with the youth group. So now Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings are spent in the Basement with the youth.
In November, Michelle tried the Praxis I reading again and was successful. Michelle also decided it time to do something about the pain in her hip and started physical therapy for it again. This time around seems to be a little more successful. James and Michelle spent Thanksgiving with 98th army band. Also we received orders for Alaska, however, still needed to receive the amendments to the orders because James got accepted into Advanced Leaders Course or ALC. We no longer share ownership of the Mazda with the bank.
The first two weeks of December were a very busy time of the year for James. Many concerts and parades were scheduled for the band. One concert in Ozark, one concert on post and one concert in Panama City, FL. The second half of December looks to be very relaxing with much time spent with each other. As the year winds down we both realize how blessed we both have been and sincerely hope that 2011 is half as wonderful as 2010 has been.
Just so you have an idea what next year has in store for us. James will spend a little less than 2 months in Virginia Beach at the US Army School of Music for ALC. Michelle will look for a job as teacher in Alaska for the 2011-2012 school year. We are hoping it is a rural school because the Alaskan government will then supply a house at no cost. We will be moving to Alaska in summer.