Thursday, December 16, 2010

Goat or sheep, which one will you be?

There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Luke 23:33-34 (NKJV)
Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:39-43

Do you understand what this passage is trying to tell? It's telling you that you have a choice. You can choose to blaspheme or in the NIV hurl insults at God or you can recognize that he shouldn't be on the cross and ask him to remember to you. It's really that simple.

These two men are a picture for us. You can choose to go right or you can go left. That's how great our God is that he leaves up to to make your choice. For some the choice isn't hard. You can choose the left or the right.

All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Matthew 25:32-33 (NIV)

Now it doesn't say which criminal was on the right or the left but because the sheep go on the right let's just say the repenting criminal is on the right and the other one is on the left. So the choice is yours do you want the right or the left. Let's take a look at both sides.

Starting with the left. You can choice to hurl insults at God. You can live life however you want. You can choose to rebel and not follow God. Like all choices in life there consequences. This choice is a bad choice because of the consequences. Like the second criminal said "for we receive the due reward of our deeds" These verse tell of what happens when you choice to go left.
Then they will go away to eternal punishment Matthew 25:46 (NIV)
I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too. Luke 13:5 (NLT)
Did you see that key word in that last verse? Again, this means he has said it before. These aren't the only verse that say that if you choice to go to the left, if you choice to hurl insults at God you will perish. I'm not going to go into detail what hell is like. I'm not the fire and brimstone kinda person. I do think that you need understand your choice. Here are earth we are separate from God, in hell you removed from God. That's a big difference. Separate means not near but you may still access to something that is separated. Think of it like this I'm separate from my parents. There is huge distance between and I don't see them, but I can pick up the phone or send and e-mail and still have access to them. That's what earth is like. God isn't near but we can pray or read the bible and have access to Him. Remove is gone taken away from. When I was a teacher I would remove students from my classroom, I would take them out of my classroom and out them another. This student that was removed no longer had any access to me. That's what hell is, you are taken away from God and you no longer have access to Him. What I'm trying to point out is if the life is hard and rough being separate from God, I don't even what to think about life where there is no God. This what will happen if you choice to go left.

So back to Matthew 25:32-33 and going to the right. If you choice to recognize that Jesus didn't belong on that cross what happens. First you have to believe and then repent. Turn away from a life living for yourself and start living for God. What needs to be done in order to be the right, look at these verses.
And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life. Matthew 19:29 (NLV)
but the righteous to eternal life. Matthew 25:46 (NIV)
Just do your best to be righteous and follow God and you can go to the right. All it takes to believe and repent. Follow Jesus understand that he loves and try to reflect that love. When you choice to go right you are choosing to spend the rest of you life with God. Nobody can even began to think what that would be like. God is so good us. If you think of all the blessing God has given so far to you, it's nothing compared to heaven.

Think wisely and make choice the left or the right. I'm leaving with the words from a song by Big Tent Revival about choosing life.

Choose Life :
a choice is set before you,
living or dying, blessing or cursing
and know, the time has come around
to turn form your fighting and rest in his mercy

choose life that you might live
the life that He gives, He gives you forever
choose life the way that is true
from the One who chose you, your father in heaven
choose life

trust the lord with all of your heart,
with all of your soul, with all of your being
hold on, listen and obey
surrender your life into His keeping


and the weight you're under will be lifted away
and world will wonder, "what happened here today?"
and you'll stand right there and say...


Monday, December 6, 2010

It'll move a mountain.

Faith is such an awesome thing. If you have it you can do amazing things with it. Faith is something that grows as you use it. Faith is having belief that God will do it. We have great examples of this amazing belief that God will do it.

In Genesis 22, Abraham is tested by God just to see how much faith he has. Abraham was told to sacrifice his son. He got up early the next morning and went to sacrifice his son. Look at verse 5: He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” (NIV) There's a pronoun there that makes a difference. It states Abraham's faith. He said We will come back. Abraham had faith that if he obeyed God would provide a substitute for Isaac. He says it again in verse 8: Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together. (NIV) Isaac asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice. Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac but he had faith. Faith that saved a child's life.

David had faith. In 1 Samuel 17, the Israelites are facing the Philistines. David is to young to be among the fighting men. His father sent him to check on his brothers and bring them food. When he gets there, Goliath larger than life is hurling insult. David shows up and wonders why nobody has done anything. He even points out that they are the army of God. David uses his faith and offers to go and fight Goliath. In verse 37, The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear he will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” (NIV) David says that God will take care of Goliath. In verse 46, This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. (NIV) David proclaims to Goliath that God will had him over. Goliath was giant but young David had giant faith.

Take a look in the new testament. Over and over again people have a faith that Jesus will heal them and he does because of the faith. There are numerous example. The woman with the bleeding issues thinks if she can just touch him she will be healed. These four guys believe that if they can get their friend to Jesus, he will be healed. They believe so much to the point that when they see the house so full the door is blocked, they go through the roof. All it took was faith.

The funny thing about faith though is that you don't get sitting on the couch eating bonbons and watching TV. You have to get up and do stuff. Abraham wasn't laying in a hammock waiting for his faith to grow. He was packing and moving around. David wasn't in a field with a bunch of sheep. He as facing a giant. You have to be active if you want faith to grow. You have to be doing things. You can't just sit and wait for faith to grow. However there is something you should know about growing faith, it isn't cheap. It'll probably cost you. It almost cost Abraham his son. It almost cost David his life. It something you pay for. I've been paying for it. I can tell you though at times the cost maybe high, having faith that moves mountains is wroth every penny I've paid. The great thing about God and faith is that if you aren't sure at first, try having faith in small things. As you see that having faith in small will make it grow and you can start having faith in bigger things.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You just need to pratice

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)

It is so hard to be still and quiet in this day and age. I can't count how many times I have been overstimulated in the past month. The stillness is so important. It's in these moments, God comes closest. In these still moments, it's easy to hear God.

David was still. Nathan rebuked David for what he had done to Bathsheba and Uriah. After that Bathsheba's son fell ill. David was still. He laid on the ground and plead for the child's life. 2 Samuel 12:15-17.

Jesus was still. He went into the garden and prayed He was still while he plead with God to do His will.

In that stillness and quietness is when God is the loudest. It's hard to be sit and be still but God does great things in the still. I work hard at being still and some of the greatest thing have come from them. Sometimes being still is removing yourself from daily life. Going on a retreat is often a time when you can be still.

One moment stillness that sticks out is in Mexico. I was working with a group. I was going to take care of the walls and such and the group leader was going to take care of the roof. They were having issues on the roof and needed me up there. They coaxed me up on to the 7ft side. Then they got me up on the plywood closer to the 8 ft side. I was scared to stand up. I was on my knees with my forehead on the plywood screaming "I don't want to stand up" with 2 adult men telling me how great the view was. For just a moment I stopped screaming. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was still. It appeared to me the whole work site was still. Then I heard it. "Stand up. The view is beautiful. You'll love it. It'll make you smile. Just stand up." I stood up. The amazing thing about where we were working is that is was in a valley but the neighborhood was on a hill. The view was amazing. That was one of the greatest blessing I have ever received on an Amor trip. Thank God for making me a still moment in my life that was magnificent. Has God ever done that for you? Why not? Is it because you haven't' stopped? Please take a moment and be still.

I was paging through my bible the other day and postcard fell out of it. It was from the last Tapestry retreat. Jill Rhodes spoke about God being our refugee. On the card, I wrote what God spoke to me during the weekend. I wrote a piece wisdom I was given but forgot. Sometimes being still mean removing your hands from something. Sometimes being still is letting go and letting God. Do you have something that you need to take your hands off of? I do and I know it's hard but when you let go, and when you are still, you allow the floodgates of blessing to open up. Take a moment and think about that. The floodgates of blessings. Think hard, what do you want more, that thing you are holding on to or open floodgates of blessings?

Take time and be still It is so important to know that He is God. It'll be hard but I promise it will be worth it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is it really enough

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV)

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)

Is His grace really sufficient? Is it really all you need? I can tell you yes. The thing about this lesson is that I think I share with all that I know about His grace being enough and it may not help you at all. I think this is lesson you to learn yourself. You have to personally witness this yourself in order to truly understand it.

But what is grace? Webster dictionary says that grace is unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification and a virtue coming from God. I've often heard it said that grace is getting more than what we deserve. When it comes down to it, we haven't done anything worthy of getting God's attention or having God do anything special for us. Yet He still does it. God loves to make you smile. It's His hobby. That is what grace is. Grace is good taking the weak, small, meaningless things and making the great, wonderful, and amazing.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NKJV)

The great thing about grace is that God gives it freely, and almost to point where it seems to overflow. God does this because as His grace works in your life He is gloried. He is seen through the good works you do. Grace really is great thing. It flows from Him so that you can focus on Him.

I've learned that His is grace is sufficient. It wasn't any easy thing to learn. God allowed to go to India to help out in an orphanage. The reason for this is so that He could show that His grace is all that I need. The children living in this orphanage had lost their parents or their parents had abandoned them because they couldn't feed them. These children don't have much. In fact all that they own can fit into a backpack. They have these backpacks because my church gave them to the children. They were happy and content. They didn't seem to be in want. They know that God is all they need. I, however, get sad, depressed and upset. I have both my parents, I have never gone to bed hungry, I have all my needs and wants meet everyday. I couldn't fit all my belongings into two suitcases, it wasn't enough space. I didn't think God was sufficient. Something was wrong and a thought process need changing. If God was enough for these children, why wasn't He enough for me? I was the one who had to look for God to be enough. It took time and it wasn't easy, but now I can proudly say that God is all need. God is sufficient.

Just look for His grace and it will become sufficient

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)

It's ok if you don't know that His grace is sufficient. That great thing about God is that if you ask for something that is in His will, He'll give it to. I can assure that knowing God is sufficient is in His will. Just ask. His grace is sufficient.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No need to fear what is to come

And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

Life is so uncertain. We have no idea of knowing what tomorrow will bring. However there is no need to fear. God goes before us. Sometimes though this thought isn't enough. We feel like we should do things. We want to be in control. There are things we do to help us feel safe and hold fast to this promise.

First really look at what the verse really says. He is the One who goes before you. God has set this example of going before us. God sent Joseph before he sent Jacob and his family do into Egypt. He went before Moses and the Israelites as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. This verse is Moses talking with Joshua. Another great example of this is with Mary the mother of Jesus. Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her what was to come, but Mary wasn't Gabriel first stop. Gabriel appeared to Elizabeth and Zacharias. One reason this happened is because God knew Mary would go to Elizabeth. He goes ahead.

Remember that He is with you. It says over and over again in the bible that God is with you. He also repeat the phrase I won't leave you. If something is repeated it's important and it has meaning. I think that the great thing about about the phrase I am with you, is that when you look at it in the old testament, it is proceed or followed by three very powerful words declares the Lord. The first two definitions of the word declare in Webster's dictionary is state emphatically and authoritatively and announce publicly or officially. The Lord has feeling when he says this to us and He wants everyone to know it. It is something you can rest on and count on.

There are other things that you can do to help you remember this promise.

Be prepared
By knowing what God's word says, it will help you to be prepared and help you to be ready for what is to come. If you know the promises of God you can lean and rest on them when uncertain times come before.

Keep Godly Friends
Those friends that know God can offer support. They pray for you and stand beside you. Others have been there and done that. Their experiences can help you. Some of those friends even have the gift of God's wisdom and they are to share that wisdom with you.

Faith and Praise.
Keep working on your faith. It is something that needs to be growing. As long as you are starting your day trusting Him and walking with Him, you will have no need to fear anything. But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3. Praise draws you closed to Him. Praise Him for the times he has gone ahead of you. Praise Him for the times He is near. Praise Him for the times He has been faithful.

Focus on God and His greatness. Exalt Him alone and with others. Pray to Him and He will answer. He will take care of your fear and anxieties. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:3-4

The great thing about Deut 31:8 is that it is a promise you can hold on to. It's amazing. It shows His power. He will go before. He is wherever you'll be next year, but He is also right here with you now. He is getting ready the next place in your life, but He is watching over your day to day needs at the same time. He can't leave us. He gave up too much to leave us.

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's not mundane

Many of my friend have made the comment that my life has now become very mundane and that, I don't seem to have to much going on. I have news for you. It's has become mundane, what has happened is that sometimes God puts us into a state of Sabbath.

Leviticus 25
1 The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai, 2 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the LORD. 3 For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. 4 But in the seventh year the land is to have a sabbath of rest, a sabbath to the LORD. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. 5 Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest. 6 Whatever the land yields during the sabbath year will be food for you—for yourself, your manservant and maidservant, and the hired worker and temporary resident who live among you, 7 as well as for your livestock and the wild animals in your land. Whatever the land produces may be eaten.

I think this applies to us to in our lives. If you look at the past few years, I've had a lot going on. It was lot of growth and a lot of change. Many struggles and many advertures. My life has produced much fruit, but now it needs a rest. What's the point of having so much going and learning so much and yeilding so much, if there is no time to process it, learn for it and make sure it is gathered. Just looking at the past several years. I worked very hard for 4 and half year to earn my degree. I taught kindergarten for two years. I lived in Korea, I meet James. My father had cancer. I got married. That's just the tip of the iceberg. That's isn't any of the lesson or growth that has happened in my life. So I'm simple housewife, who works part time at church doing childcare. My life needs a sabbath. It's kinda nice to be able to try my hand at some new things. If life was always producing things, when would we process and see the progress we've made? When would we reflect?

When life starts to feel mundane, maybe you need to stop take a little sabbath and remember what the Lord has done. He does great and mighty things. He heals and restores. Often after healing has taken place it is good to rest and recover.

As more me life is just begin to gear up again. James and I are head to Alaska next. I'm working hard to be albe to be a certified teacher again. I've taken on planning some social events for the band and the wives to enjoy each others' company.

Life never gets mundane unless you let. I'm not about to let it get mundane, but I will enjoy my sabbath.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is there a Mr. Right.?

I have said it several times that there are three rules before you can find Mr Right or in some cases Mrs. Right. So here is my advice. 1.) You have to be happy with yourself and love yourself. If you don't love yourself how can you expect or hope for someone else to love you. 2.) You have to be content with what you have more before you can gain more. 3.) You have to know what you looking for. Make a list that way you know what you want.

So here is my list.
Must Have
these are things he has to have, there is no negotiation.
1.) He must believe in and have a relationship with God.
2.) He must have a job that pays same as or more than my teaching job does.
3.) I must think he is attractive.
4.) He must think I'm beautiful not matter what. I could be all done up with my makeup or covered in cement dust, he will look at me and think I'm beautiful.
5.) He must want to spend time with me and what we do doesn't really matter. He should be willing going to the teacher store with me. If he does this, I'm will to go where he wants to go i.e. the music store.

I know some of them seem shallow, but if there is no attraction than how does a relationship start. If you aren't willing to be with me and spend time together how does a relationship grow.

So how does James measure up to this
Must Have
1.) He does
2.) He does
3.) I do. I have the hottest husband out there.
4.) He does. There was a day in Korea when we didn't plan on seeing each other, so I didn't put on makeup that morning, he texted and said we could meet for dinner. He told me I looked beautiful.
5.) He is fine with doing anything with. When can be in a room, he can be watching t.v. and I can be reading book. Now he's never gone to teaching store, but he took me to old navy and the bookstore my first week back in the states. I went to see hurt locker with him.

The Wants
these are things he doesn't have to have but bonus points if he does
1.) Nice
2.) Sweet
3.) Compassionate
4.) He doesn't have to do Amor, but he needs to understand that it's something I do
5.) ok with my dog
6.) Smart
7.) Social
8.) understanding that I will do some kind of ministry now matter where I am

So how does James measure up
1.) yes
2.) yes
3.) yes
4.) He has done Amor, so he understands and is willing to go with me.
5.) he likes her
6.) yes
7.) yes
8.) he does

Deal breakers
if the guy has all the other things, but has one of these it doesn't matter it's off
1.) smoking
2.) drugs
3.) aggressive
4.) angry
5.) bitter

How does James measure up
1.) no
2.) no
3.) no
4.) no
5.) no

James is perfect and I can see that God added things to my list. Here is what God added
Someone who loves music
He makes me feel like I'm the only and most important person out there even in a room full of people
He hates pb cups.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why waste it?

Last year while in Korea I bought a wedding magizine. I found this dress and fell in love with it. It was the dress I wanted to get married in. It's the only thing I really wanted for my wedding. James wants a trumpet, I want this dress. I search for a dress shop that carried the line and found. One informed that they didn't carry and it was discontiued. The other shop said they had it. I went and looked at it. My dad paid for it. She called in March and said she was having trouble but that everything was fine. She gave me a new store number and address. I waited two after when my dress was suppose to arrive. I heard nothing. I called the "new" store number and was informed that they weren't doing business with her. I called the old and left about 4 messages. I drove out to the "new" store location and there was nothing. I admit that I then left a message and I did yell and it wasn't very nice. Then store number was disconnected. I have no dress, Angela and Kate now have no dress either.

I've been told that I have been handling this rather well. I'm not that mad. This is my thought. People are naturally evil. They do wrong. It's there sin nature. I can't change people. People do whatever feels right. Expections lead to let down. Being mad and hating this woman won't get me my dress. I won't do anything. Why should I waste my enery and feelings on being mad at this woman when I have other things I could be doing.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Magic Wands and PVC pipe what in the world?

A few years go on an Amor trip God gave me an object lesson that I needed very much and it's easy to remember. I shared with the ladies at Tapestry retreat on year. Joy remembers and it really spoke to her.

At the time, I was just starting my teaching career which had a very rough and rocky start. I was really struggling with wanting to be a teacher and wanting to do great and wonderful for God's glory. An new "tool" was introduced. It was a small piece of pvc pipe about foot long. For most people when they look at pvc pipe they think about plumbing and transferring water form on spot to another used by plumbers. However to me, I just need a small section and it's the greatest tool I've ever used. It's used to stretch chicken wire. The job use to be time consuming and hard. It isn't easy to get the chicken wire tight enough. With this pvc pipe, I've heard call the magic wand, it's quick easy and the chicken wire is tight enough.

So the lesson learned is this: that you may see a simple a teacher when you look at me. That's fine. God did intended for me to be teacher. That role in my life has it's purpose. However, when you take me and place in God's hands, I can do amazing. I've built houses. I've a company have a smooth spring season. I've been a nurse's assistant. I've helped children learn about bible. I've feed people.

I don't want to be the pvc pipe. I want to do something that at times seems mundane and boring. I know it's very functional. In fact, it's needed. It's job that somebody needs to do. I want be the magic wand. I want to be doing amazing things for God's glory. I know that both show how great my God is, but you don't have look when you are being the magic wand.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just so you know

I've been told several times over the past several months about how brave I am because I'm going to become an army wife. That it takes a very special type of person to be an army wife. An army wife has to be independent.

I just think I should straighten things out. First off, I'm not brave at all. I shake on the inside. I'm scared of change and the thought of newness overwhelms. This is the person who walked through security at the airport bailing after saying good-bye to my parents and Kelly the day I left for Korea. I was also running away from problems on that day too. As for being independent, I'm the farther-est thing from it. I need people. I count on them. I love people.

What I do know is this. James is amazing and I love him more than I can express. That God is sufficient. I just have to depend on Him. He will make me into that woman that is an army wife. It doesn't matter that I'm not that brave. This isn't about how brave I am, but willingness. I'm willing to leave everything behind and embrace this new life with James. The greatest part about all this is that I have the guarantee that I'm not doing this alone. James will go with me. When the army sends James away, I'll still have God and that's all need.

So honestly, I'm only pretending to be excited. Deep down, I'm scared half death. I can't tell you where I'm going to live or even what kind of job I'll have next year. What does matter is that God will go before and James will go with.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I just don't understand somethings

Before I get to the main point, I feel I should give some background. I attend two churches. I go to Royal Palms Baptist Church. I have been going there since I was 15, I will probably always think of it as my home church. About three years, I was on an amor trip and had three sites I was watching over. One of these groups was Trinity Baptist of Mesa. I went to a Sunday morning and filled out the visitor info. I was called and told about an evening service. I went and checked out. It was a good service and the people were great. I've been going ever since.

In January, Royal Palms sent Jeremiah Johnson to Mozambique. He went to work with the Dinah family. He was going out to villages and preach the gospels. He was doing amazing things. He was reach new villages and going into to villages that had been reached but had moved away for the gospel. One day, he had gone out to visit the first village he made contact with. He was returning home on a motorcycle on a small one line road when an another on coming car tried to pass him. It hit on the side and sent him flying. God took him home.

Tonight at Trinity, they had a missionary, Doug Cannon, visiting and he spoke. He had be in be over in Asia teaching and preaching. He moved over to China. He was reaching a people that live up in the mountains. These people also haven't really be reached either. About six months ago, he was riding in car on high mountain, it hit an ice patch and slide. The car went over the side of the mountain. He broke his neck. He was taken to hospital in Hong Kong. He had a surgery and has recovered. He has most of the motion back in his neck.

So I'm left wondering something. Why did Jeremiah die? Why did Doug live? It just it doesn't make sense. They were both out there doing great things God. They were both furthering God's kingdom. Why was Jeremiah taken home? Why was Doug healed? Why is Royal Palms left hurting and dealing with the loss and pain? Why is Trinity celebrating the life and healing? I wish I had answers. I wish I knew the reason. I know that God has a reason and his plans are good and wonderful. I just want to know why I had crying at Jon's desk, and why my first friend to pass away was younger than me and doing great things for things God? Why does it hurt? When will it stop?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Amor is in the air

So I spent the last three weeks building houses in Mexico. I go through Amor ministries. I go through Project Barnabas. I like doing the barney thing because I get to see a another side of Amor. I get to help out both the Amor staff and the groups that come down.

I start on Saturday. It's a day of training. We got through some cultural training, some how to deal with different groups and of course we go over the house. I started the same week as the great kids from Hope came from their spring break. So there was about 30 of us in training. It was also the week Jeff and Leona came. I've been doing the barney thing with them since I started. After training we loaded up the vans and went into to camp. The overpass that was causing a huge mess through town was finished. You can now bypass most of the lights in town. The boarder fence was finished. It long and high. It's also in these mountains that use to be really beautiful. I set up my tent. We had dinner, hung out around the camp fire and called it a night. I got up and we went across to the office. I had an amazing lunch at the office. Let me tell you the lunches at the office are just amazing. Then the mess of check in started. I wasn't scheduled for a lead-in but ended up having one. Kamar wanted help because it was kinda long. I rode with the group I was working with. They were from northern CA. Normally they come with St. Andrew's Yuba City but they had different spring breaks. They worked hard and were a really good group. Thursday, we woke up to rain. The group decided that they would go and stucco the house that had no stucco and be fine with all their hard work. I stayed back and Matthew went since they wouldn't be working on both houses. I stayed back and got to go shopping for the Urban Saints. I went to Costco in Mexico and MegaDulces, and Walmart. I had tacos for lunch and got to have a frappuccino. Lydia spoiled us. Friday, I crossed the boarder. I did my laundry, and stayed in a hotel.

Week 2: Saturday, I just hung out in the office. The new barneys got trained and we went back into Mexico. I had to move my tent. It was the big huge week. Just about every space in camp was used up. Sunday, we got to cross the boarder and go to the office. There was just about no line. I'm talking like 5 cars in each line. We did have to get out and let the Mexican military search are van. We chilled at Starbucks for little and then went to the office. Another awesome lunch. Have I told you how great lunch at the office is? Well, it's great. The Sunday lunches are the best food I ate all week long. I had a lead in to do. It was a mess. The boarder patrol had us unload their luggage. It was kinda a mess but the group was good about. There was an earthquake and I was chilling in the Amor store when it happened. I was sitting in a chair and it started shaking, so I stood up. There were Brits in the store asking why the building was shaking and if it should shake like it was. Jon told us all that it was no big deal. Then Blair traded to get through and Jon couldn't respond. Then T.J. came running and asked if everything was ok. Turns out we had an earthquake. The group I worked was the group James came down with during high school. I was really thrilled. I helped build a bowling alley or double long. It was 44x11. I also got work with Trust. He is friends with James. I enjoyed the group I worked with. They have their own manual. They also have some people who will tell you that don't need any help from Amor and can do a better job, they have been coming for 20 years. The group I worked with didn't have anyone like that. I did have to hear how one of these people thought Amor had given some of the worse sites they had ever seen them. They had two attachments. I'll give you that sometimes attachments can be harder but they were attaching on the 8 ft side. That's the hard side to wrap and stucco, so I think they are lucky. Part of me wanted to point out that maybe Amor give the such "awful" sites because they trust Yuba City to do a good job. After Monday, I kinda just avoid this person. I had a good time they worked hard. I gave them some advice and they listened. I ate all my meals with Trust and Autumn (Trust's girlfriend). They were better than T.V. Friday. I went out did laundry and stayed in the hotel.

Week 3: Saturday, I went and got lunch and washed the van. Nobody was in camp so the put us up in a hotel. We went to the beach, had a good dinner. We also went mini golfing. We went in to church at an overly friendly church that spend 30 minutes of the sermon talking about how wonderful they were. Then we went into Mexico. I drove the van to get ice. I work with a group from Los Altos. They had about 12 under the age of 15. Monday we woke up to rain. We decided to go to the shopping center and see if they were movies playing. About lunchtime the rain cleared up. We went back to camp and had lunch. Then we went to work site. We got things set up to lay cement and started a wall. The next day we got up got to work. It was a long day, I didn't drink enough water. Along the way home, I threw up twice. The running joke the rest of the week was how you need to drink enough water or you'll end up throwing up on the side of the road in Mexico. They worked hard and got one coat of stucco on the house. The site foreman told me that I did a great job and the bottom part of the house and the only reason it has stucco was because I did a good job of being the leader. They were a really great group and really enjoyed them. Friday, I drove out. It was a little scary, but I didn't. the scariest part was when the semi almost drove us off the road. It's good thing there was some road construction going on and there was some road for me to get over onto. After crossing the boarder, I turned on my phone. I have facebook mobile so my phone explode with text messages. At a red light I picked up my phone and began to see what I had missed during the week. I got to a status message from Jackie Kennel and it said the memorial service for Jeremiah will be on Saturday April 17 at ten. I kinda went into shock. I mumble stuff and then asked if you have memorial services for reasons other than death. I pulled the van back into the office, trying to comprehend what happened. It just wasn't registering. I saw Jon and he asked me how the week was and I told him I needed to get on facebook and figure things out. Jon took me to his desk and got me there. I went to David's page and saw that Jeremiah had passed away. I sat a Jon's desk and cried for about ten minutes. I went back to the lunch. They offered me lunch. I had some I unloaded the van. I talked with the staff a little about Jeremiah. Jon asked me if I need anything and I told him I wanted to go home. He asked what he could to help. I'm pretty sure he was ready to get any airline to move my ticket to that day if I had flew out there. I drove though. I loaded my car and took off for home. I made it home around seven. I got up and went to Jeremiah's service. It was really great very healing. I wanted in line so I could see David and Diana. David's response to seeing me was Should you be here? Are you done? Did you leave early? It spokes volumes to about the Johnson family. I did assure David that I was done and it's ok that I was there. I wasn't missing out on my trip to be there for him and his family.